COYOTE devlog #2

Last week we completed all main features for our Audio Manager. It's not a performance dangerous area of the game, so we did it completely in GDScript. Godot has a nice audio mixer so we used that and only wrote some code to make it easier for us to interact with Godot's systems.

COYOTE has 4 main areas we use audio in:


Last week we completed all main features for our Audio Manager. It's not a performance dangerous area of the game, so we did it completely in GDScript. Godot has a nice audio mixer so we used that and only wrote some code to make it easier for us to interact with Godot's systems.

COYOTE has 4 main areas we use audio in:

  • Normal sound effects. Those get prioritized, so sounds of agents attacking the player will be louder than gameplay unrelated sounds.

  • Round robin sound effects. A script layer that chooses different sounds automatically, so they don't sound too repetitive.
  • Soundtrack themes. Mainly used in cutscenes and when talking to the "gods" of a species in the soulworld. Each species has it's own theme
  • Ecosystem feedback layers. Each species is one instrument in a song. When the player is in the soulworld (and no sountrack theme is playing) we mix the volume of each instrument depending on how dominant the species is in the ecosystem. The idea is that the soundtrack gives the player a (sub-)conscious feedback about the state of the system.


COYOTE devlog #1

AND it´s our first devlog eeEEEeEEvVVEVEVREEERRRR!!!!

Yeha! Hi Howdy,

Do you know what we are creating here? Till Q1 2022 we will releasing Coyote – a tactical adventure game where you play a kid which gets superpowers to communicate with a ecosystem. You will be able to rise this ecosystem as a Tamagotchi in the 90s - but with the side-task to balance the inhabitants of the ecosystem. And that’s very challenging!

Gamestudio aus Leipzig

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